Ventura Valley Scottish Rite


Degrees 4th - 32nd

The regalia pictures and excerpts from the degree descriptions
on the following pages are from the book,
" A Bridge to Light" by Ill. Rex R. Hutchens, 33°.
Copyright 1988, 1995, 2006 by the
Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Southern Jurisdiction of the USA.

The Lodge of Perfection

10th Degree - Elu of the Fifteen

The apron is white, lined, edged and fringed with black; the flap also is black. In the center are painted or embroidered three gates, and over each gate is a rosette representing the three assassins of Hiram as well as those vices against which Masonry is particularly opposed: ignorance, tyranny, and fanaticism.

The cordon is a broad watered black ribbon, worn from right to left; on the front of which are embroidered three rosettes bearing the same symbolism as those on the apron.

Thje jewel is a dagger, its hilt gold and its blade silver; it hangs from the end of the cordon.

Be tolerant and liberal.
War against fanaticism and persecution with education and enlightenment.

Ambition creates tyranny and despotism.
Fanaticism creates intolerance and persecution.

Are you tolerant even of intolerance?

Fifteen candles of yellow wax, swords with points touching in a circle, the assassins.






Copyright© 2013 Ventura Scottish Rite