Ventura Valley Scottish Rite


Degrees 4th - 32nd

The regalia pictures and excerpts from the degree descriptions
on the following pages are from the book,
" A Bridge to Light" by Ill. Rex R. Hutchens, 33°.
Copyright 1988, 1995, 2006 by the
Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Southern Jurisdiction of the USA.

Council of Kadosh

25th Degree - Knight of the Brazen Serpent

The apron is white, lined and edged with black; the white side spotted with golden stars, and the black side with silver ones. Those on the white side represent, by their positions and distances, the Pleiades, the Hyades, Orion and Capella. Those on the black side represent the stars of Perseus, Scorpio, and Ursa Major. In the middle of the white side is a triangle in a glory, in the center of which is the name of Deity in Phoenician characters. On the flap is a serpent in a circle, with his tail in his mouth; and in the circle so formed a scarab, or beetle. Over this is a star of gold, with the letter 'R' (for Regulus) over it; on the right side of the apron another, with the letter 'A' over it; and at the bottom of the apron another, with the letter 'F' over it. These last three letters have the same meaning as on the order explained below.

The order is a crimson ribbon, on which are embroidered the words, one under the other: OSIRIS, AHURA, OSARSIPH, MOSES. Under them a bull, with a disk, surmounted by a crescent between his horns. This is worn from left to right; and across it, from right to left, is worn a broad, white, watered ribbon, on which are the words ISIS and CERES over a dog's head and a crescent. On the right breast, on the left breast, and at the crossing of these orders is a star of gold. Under that on the right breast is the letter 'A' (for Antares); and under that, at the crossing of the orders, the letter 'F' (for Formalhaut). On the crimson cordon is the word GEBURAH (valor) in Hebrew; and on the white, the Hebrew word AUN (force or strength). Together they mean the generative power and the productive power of nature.

The jewel is a Tau cross, of gold, surmounted by a circle - the Crux Ansata of Egypt - round which a serpent is entwined. On the upright part of the cross is engraved the Hebrew word meaning 'he has suffered' or 'been wounded', and on the arms the Hebrew word given in the Bible for the brazen serpent, 'Nakhustan'.

Fulfill your destiny and re-create yourself by reformation, repentance and
enlarging your knowledge.

Man is composed of the flesh, the soul and the intellect.
Man is a reflection of the Divine.
Do not weary God with petitions.

Is it possible to find your way to Heaven alone?

Sun, moon, brazen serpent, Pythagorean right triangle.

Copyright© 2013 Ventura Scottish Rite