The Lodge Room in Oxnard Masonic Center is now being used for our meetings, after months of cleanup and renovations.
Our next stated meeting
will be on February 10, 2025. The dinner menu
will be
If you will be having dinner with us, please make a reservation with Illustrious Harold Bogner no later than Friday, February 7, by email to email, or by phone at (805) 218-1648 (leave a message).
At our September 2024
stated meeting we had a zoom meeting with
Southern Jurisdiction Commander Illustrious
James D. Cole, who spent about an hour with us
going over recent changes made to the
organization and how they are impacting our
membership. They are working on many
interesting projects. One of them is an
online Scottish Rite petition (see below). If
you are a Master Mason in good standing and
you desire to petition for our Scottish Rite
degrees, you can use a smart cell-phone to
take a picture of the QR Code below. That
will take you to an online application for the
degrees. (The cost is $200, which will be due
after your election. The yearly dues are
Commander's Statement on Grand Lodges
Commander's Statement on Visitation
Service for James Craig
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry is commonly known as the Scottish
Rite. It is one of several appendant groups of the
worldwide fraternity known as Freemasonry. Each
Valley has up to four Scottish Rite bodies, and
each body confers a set of degrees. In the
Southern Jurisdiction these are the Lodge of
Perfection (4° - 14°), Chapter of Rose Croix
(15°-18°), Council of Kadosh (19°-30°), and the
Consistory (31°-32°). The Supreme Council confers
the 33rd Degree of Sovereign Grand Inspector
The Scottish Rite is one of the two major branches of higher-degree Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed after he has completed the three degrees of Symbolic or Blue Lodge Masonry. The other branch is known as the York Rite, consisting of Royal Arch Masons, Royal and Select Masters and the Knights Templar.
The Scottish Rite
Creed - "Human progress is
our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish,
freedom of conscience our mission, and the
guarantee of equal rights to all people
everywhere our ultimate goal."