Ventura Valley Scottish Rite
Degrees 4th - 32nd
on the following pages are from the book,
" A Bridge to Light" by Ill. Rex R. Hutchens, 33°.
Copyright 1988, 1995, 2006 by the
Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Southern Jurisdiction of the USA.
The Lodge of Perfection
14th Degree - Perfect Elu
The apron is of white lambskin, lined with crimson and edged with blue. Around it, on the inside of the blue edging is a delicate embroidery in crimson representing a wreath of flowers. In the middle of the apron is painted or embroidered the jewel, and on the flap is a representation of a flat square stone to which is attached a ring, representing the entrance to the secret vault of the preceding degree. Of its three colors, white, like the snowy purity of the ermine, represents justice; blue, the color of the perfectly symmetrical and changeless arch of the sky, represents right; and crimson, the color of fire which tries and purifies all things, represents truth.
The cordon is a collar of
crimson velvet, worn over the neck and coming to a point on the breast.
On the left side is embroidered, in green, a branch of acacia,
symbolizing immortality. On the right is embroidered, in silver, a
five-pointed star, with a Phoenician word meaning 'perfection' in the
center. The five-pointed star, as a type of all stars, is
representative of Masonic light. The five points also stand for the
five points of fellowship and remind us of the other interpretations of
this number given in the lecture of the 2nd Degree of the Symbolic
The jewel is a pair of compasses, opened upon a quarter of a circle, and surmounted by a pointed crown. Within the compasses is a medal, representing on one side the sun, and on the other a five-pointed star, in the center of which is a delta, and on that the name of Deity in Phoenician characters. This jewel is gold and worn suspended from the collar. On the segment of the circle are enameled, at proper distances from each other, the numerals III ... V ... VII ... IX. The compasses remind us that science, united to honor and virtue, made the architect of the Temple the companion of kings; and that the men of intellect and learning, the great kings of thought, are in this age the rulers of the world. The sun as the source of light to our system was once worshiped as a god. The star as a type of the myriad suns that light other countless systems of worlds is an emblem of that Masonic Light in search of which every Mason travels - the correct knowledge of the Deity and of His laws that control the universe.
The brethren of this degree also wear white gloves, symbolic of purity.
Assist, encourage and defend the brethren.
Protect the oppressed and relieve want and distress.
Enlighten the people.
Serve the common good and be fruitful of all good works.
Perfect Elus are both bound and free; bound by their obligation and
free from prejudice, intolerance and envy.
Masons meet on the level because in their lives authority and liberty
are in equilibrium.
If perfection is not attainable, for what does the Mason strive?
Baptism, horizontal passageway to the vault, the cube, Seal of Solomon,
columns, triangular pedestal, Great Candelabrum with 7 lights.