Ventura Valley Scottish Rite


Degrees 4th - 32nd

The regalia pictures and excerpts from the degree descriptions
on the following pages are from the book,
" A Bridge to Light" by Ill. Rex R. Hutchens, 33°.
Copyright 1988, 1995, 2006 by the
Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Southern Jurisdiction of the USA.

Council of Kadosh

21st Degree - Noachite, or Prussian Night

The apron and gloves of this degree are yellow. On the upper part of the apron is an arm, naked and upraised, holding a naked sword. Under it is a human figure, erect, with wings, the forefinger of his right hand on his lips; in his left hand he holds a key. He is the Egyptian figure of silence, called by the Greeks Harpocrates, though the wings are an addition. Plato said the wings symbolized 'intelligence'. To the alchemists they stood for the higher, active, male principle.

Theorder is a broad black ribbon, worn from right to left.

Thejewel is a silver, full moon, suspended from the third buttonhole of the vest,or a golden triangle traversed by an arrow, point-upward, suspended fromthe collar. On the jewel is an arm upraised, holding a naked sword, and around itthe motto, Fiat Justitia, Ruat Coelum, meaning 'Let there be Justice, though the Heavens fall'. These were the words of William Murray, First Earl of Mansfield (1704-1793), Lord Chief Justice of England, uttered in the case of Rex vs. Wilkes, June 8, 1768.

Be humble and modest, trusting in God.
Be steadfast and courageous in the face of adversity.

The downfall of evil is certain.
A free and independent judiciary is necessary to human progress.
Journalism should be fair, just and responsible.

Do you keep the ideal of justice before your own interests?

Masked brothers, full moon, sword of a knight.

Copyright© 2013 Ventura Scottish Rite